Wednesday, December 25, 2019

Nenasa Smart School Awards Competition 2019 - Semi Final

The semi final round of Nenasa Smart School Awards Competition 2019 was held on 19th December at Grand Ralidiya Hotel in Kegalle. The competition was divided into four categories such that  Smart School, Smart Ambassador, Smart Teacher and Smart Content. The competition was open all teachers in the Nenasa Smart Schools.

Our school teachers Mr. Rajah, Mr. Ikram, Mr Fahim, Mrs. Nuska, Mrs. Saleema, Mrs Ruzaika, and Miss Shafra  had applied for the competition. Mr. Rajah, Mrs Rajudeen and Mrs Ruzaika had presented their works in front of judge panel. Mrs. Nuska presented her work through online.
Mr. Rajah had applied for Smart School, Smart Ambassador and Smart Content whereas Mrs Rajudeen and Mrs. Ruzaika and took part in the Smart Teacher competition.
Mr. A.M Rajah presents the team work in front of judges
Mrs. Saleema Rajudeen presents her works in the Smart Teacher category
Mrs. Ruzaika, Smart Teacher presents front of the judge panel.
Mrs. Nuska presents via Microsoft Team

The event was well organised by Nenasa Smart School Team and Dialog Axiata. The Final will be held in Colombo in January 2020.

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