Tuesday, June 30, 2020

Moved from Zoom to Teams

At the beginning of lockdown, many teachers had started to use Zoom Application for remote teaching and learning process. Because it is very convenient for teachers and students at the beginning. Also, this was a new experience for everyone.
Because of the limitation in the Zoom free version, many teachers struggle to keep the students for a long time. Also, they had to maintain a separate file sharing app to share the documents. Since our school has MOU with Microsoft Education, all teachers and students have license to use MS Teams. MS Teams has many options when compared Zoom Application. In the MS Team, we can create channels to manage subgroups and share files. Also we can record the video and it will be automatically saved in the OneDrive. Student can watch the recorded video through MS Stream app in the mobile or desktop.

Training conducted for all staff to use MS Teams for Remote Learning

Sulaimaniya Smart School Ambassador teachers had organized a presentation and training sessions for the whole staff on the 29th 30th of July 2020. The ambassador teacher Ameer Mohamed Rajah talked about digital skills required for the 21st-century teachers. After that, comprehensive hands-on training conducted at the technical laboratory on how to use MS teams for remote learning. M.N.F Nuska and M.S.M Ikram, the ambassador teachers gave their maximum support to make this event successful. Teachers eagerly participated in training and created channels for their classes. Many teachers created MS Teams meeting links for their classes to conduct team meeting. 

A video guide for students to join Microsoft Teams Meeting from Phone using Invited Link

We saw that many students struggle to connect to MS Teams meeting using the given link. Therefore we created a video guide for students to join MS Teams meeting as a guest. Many students use mobile phones to connect to Teams meetings.  Since it is a new experience for them and their parents, they come across many issues while connecting to a meeting. This video explains everything clearly. We hope it is useful for everyone who uses MS Team on their mobile phone. 

Sulaimaniya College helps neighbor schools teachers use technology for remote learning

A teacher training had been organized by Al-Akeel M.V, the neighboring school of Sulaimaniya College was held at Education Development Center in Atulugama, Dehiowita. Mr. H. Azam Bay and A.M Rajah of Sulaimaniya College were invited to conduct sessions on remote teaching and learning.

Sulaimaniya Teachers Conduct Online Classes for Students

Many teachers of Sulaimaniya college have started to conduct online classes for their students during this COVID-19 season. It is a great opportunity for teachers and students to move into a distance learning system using technology. This shows that remote learning is possible or it can be easily implemented in our school system and the country. More than 50 percent of the students had joined from each grade. External students also had joined for our school sessions.   

International Observe the Moon Night நிகழ்ச்சியில் கலந்துகொண்ட மாணவர்களின் சான்றிதழ்கள்
