Thursday, October 31, 2019

A Team of Al-Azhar College , Hemmathagama visits our school to observe Smart Classroom system.

A Team of Al-Azhar College, Hemmathagama visited our school today to observe our smart classroom system. Visitors were warmly welcomed by principal. Then a presentation was given to visitors about our system. After that they were taken to smart administration system unit to show to the network setup and the server. We have explained about the server and content storage system. Finaly we took them to smart classrooms to show how it works and explained them all the tools that we use with smart TV. The team was very satisfied and has a plan to implement in their school too.  Vice principal , ICT teacher and SDC members of Al-Azhar College had joined in this event 

Microsoft Office 365 ஓரு அறிமுகம். விளக்குகிறார் பாடசாலையின் தூதுவ ஆசிரியர்.

Microsoft Office 365 என்றால் என்வென்பதை, எமது படசாலையின் தூதுவ ஆசிரியர்  Nuska அவர்கள் ஒரு எளிய வீடியோவஒன்றின் மூலம்   விளக்கமளிக்கும் காட்சி.

Monday, October 28, 2019

Friday Seminar Series - Create Quizizz

Last week friday seminar was on creating quiz with Quizizz online application. In the training we discussed about creating and duplicating quiz, doing changes in the quiz settings, use of the quizizz quiz library and how to play quiziz using live and homework mode and use of reports of the results. 
At the end of the session we gave the quiz to participants. Top two winners were awarded with laptop bags. 

Webinar Conducted by Sulaimaniya School Ambassador Teacher

Nenasa smart school team conducts daily webinar to teachers through Microsoft Team. On 24th of October, our school ambassador teacher Mr. A.M Rajah did a presentation in this webinar. He presented about creating quiz using Quizizz online application. 

Thursday, October 24, 2019

Smart Sulaimaniya Team Bring Innovation in Releasing Provincial Level Meelad Day Competition Results

Smart Sulaimaniya team always tries to do innovation in different aspects. This time our school smart team did an innovation in releasing provincial level Meelad day competition results through online.

This year also the provincial level Meelad day competition was held at Sulaimaniya college. The event was organized by the provincial education department of Sabragamuwa under the supervision of deputy director Mr Ansaf Thouse. Around 600 competitors from 40 schools in Sabragamuwa province had participated in the event.

We have seen that teachers and parents were waiting for longtime for the results of their students without going home after competition is over. As a solution to this our smart team thought of releasing the result online.

We achieved this using QR code, URL shortener and Whatsapp. We created a Whatsapp group and added smart school team members and event coordinators as administrators of the group. Then enabled the option in messages "Administrators Only" so that only administrators can post in the group. After that URL link to this group was created and it was a very lengthy URL address. Therefore the the URL shortener was used to make a short URL and created the QR code. Finally instructions, URL and QR code were printed and displayed in several places of the school such that teachers and parents scan the QR code or use the URL to join the Whatsapp group.

It was a new experience for all the schools and they told that they haven't seen such a simple system to release the results in any of government school competitions. They like the system and further they said they will try this method in their competitions too. More than 75 teachers and parents had joined the group. The results of the events were immediately posted by the our smart school team. We kept the group active only for two days. Therefore most of them trusted the system. After two days we removed everyone and deleted the group. Before closing the group, a feedback form created using Microsoft form was shared and we received very positive feedback.

Sunday, October 20, 2019

Friday Seminar Series - Record PowerPoint Presentation and Create YouTube Channel

Last week Friday seminar was about recording Microsoft PowerPoint presentation and create YouTube channel. Previous week we couldn't do the seminar as planned since we were busy with organizing the SciQuiz competition. Therefore this week covered two topics. How to record PowerPoint to create a video contents. Instructor demonstrated how teacher can easily collect required digital information and put that in PowerPoint then record the presentation. After that we talked about creating a YouTube channel to share the content for public view. There were 12 teachers participated in this session.    

The Coding course has been started for grade 8 and grade 9 students

We have organized a coding course for grade 8 and grade 9 students. The objective of the course is to create motivation towards computer science and IOT.

We have selected only 30 students on first come first serve basis. The duration of the course is 3 months. The first session was conducted  on 15th of October 2019 at the technical laboratory of Sulaimaniya college. We have selected the "Course E" in Students used their office 365 email id to register for the course. The sessions are conducted on Monday and Friday evening by ambassador teachers. The students shows huge interest to learn coding

Here is the details of the course:

The "SciQuiz" is great success and congratulations to all winners

The Dashboard of the Quiz Competition
The final round of "SciQuiz" online science quiz competition was ended on 17th October 2019. The competition was organised by the science club and ICT club of Sulaimaniya college in collaboration with old boys association.
Principal and Deputy Principal observe the competition
The competition was conducted in two phases for four categories in Tamil and English mediums. In the first phase we used Microsoft Forms to create the quiz. There were 205 students in the first phase. For the second round we shortlisted 40 students. From each category we selected 10. The second round was much interesting since it was held at same time for each category. There was a huge competition between competitors. The second round of the event was inaugurated by the school principal Mr. M.C Ibrahim and the deputy principal Mr. Shafi Hassan.
In the second phase the quiz questions were created in Quizizz. The quiz was run as live game. The competitors join the quiz using the give game code. The dashboard of the quiz was displayed in a big screen with sound. That gave more enthusiasm among participants. At the end of the game, the Quizizz displayed the winners and runners up. From each category we selected the first three. For these winners we have arranged a prize giving next month in collaboration with OBA.

You can also try these quizzes now 
Scores in competitors in grade 12 & 13 Category

Scores of competitors in grade 6 & 7 Category

Scores of competitors in grade 10 & 11 category
Scores of competitors in grade 8 & 9 category

Monday, October 14, 2019

The first phase of the SciQuiz online quiz competition ended successfully.

The first phase of "SciShow", the science online quiz competition ended successfully on 11th October 2019. More than 240 students of Sulaimaniya college had registered through online. The registration form was created using the Microsoft forms. The competition was conducted for four groups. The quiz questions also were created using Microsoft Forms and the shorten URL link was shared within all four groups. Students used their Microsoft office 365 email ID and password to access the quiz.  205 students sat for the quiz competition. Science club teachers had created the questions in Microsoft forms. Results of the competition were displayed in the school notice board soon after the exam. From each of these groups 10 students have been selected for the second round. Students like this new experience. We hope this is the first time an online quiz competition held within a school with highest numbers of participants.
   Students eagerly participated in the competition

Results of the SciQuiz displayed in the school notice board soon after the online quiz. 

Saturday, October 12, 2019

Certificates are awarded to students who complete ICT course conducted by ICT unit of Sulaimaniya College

பாடசாலை ICT unit  இனால் நடத்தப்பட்ட ICT பாடநெறியை பூர்த்தி செய்த மாணவர்களுக்கு சான்றிதழ்கள் வழங்கப்பட்டன.
Sulaimaniya ICTunit இனால்  மாணவர்களின் தகவல் தொழில் நுட்ப அறிவை மேம்படுத்தும் நோக்கில் நடாத்தப்படும் தரம் 6 மாணவர்களுக்கான  “Basic ICT skills for beginners “பாடநெறியையும் தரம் 9 மாணவர்களுக்கு நடாத்தப்படும் “Graphic Design and Animation “  பாடநெறியையும் வெற்றிகரமாக பூர்த்தி செய்த மாணவர்களுக்கான சான்றிதழ் வழங்கும் நிகழ்வு 11 October 2019 ஆம்  திகதி இடம் பெற்றது. இதில் விசேட திறமை காட்டிய M.Azam ,P.Pavishan ஆகிய மாணவர்களுக்கு   விருதும் வழங்கப்பட்டது .கற்பித்தல் நடவடிக்கைகளில் ஈடுபட்ட Mr.Ikram ஆசிரியர் Mr Fazlur Rahman ஆசிரியர் Mrs Nuska ஆசிரியைகளுக்கு நன்றிகள் .

Sunday, October 6, 2019

Friday Seminar Series - Simple content creation using smartphone

Ambassador teachers of smart Sulaimaniya had organized another teacher training seminar on 4th October 2019 from 11.15 am. It was held at grade 6R classroom of the college. More than fifteen teachers participated in the event. 

This seminar we took the topic of simple content creation using a smart phone. A teacher no need to be a IT professional to make a simple interactive content for their subjects. We showed three simple contents created by other school teachers to motivate our teachers. We had requested to our smart school partner Headstart (PVT) LTD to provide these videos. We have to thanks Ruwan sir from Headsart LTD. He shared all the videos throug Google drive. 

In the training we talked about three special tools that is available in the all smart phones to make contents. The first one is Photo capturing, Video shooting and Audio recording. A teacher can capture image that is relevant to her subject from field or a book. Using all relevant images that teacher can make a single file like a pdf to teach students. 

There is a ideal application in Android OS to edit and scan photos. This app is called "CamScanner". Ambassador teachers guided the staff  how teachers can use in their curriculum. 
For further details 

Next tool is that audio recording. We found that "Easy voice recoder" is a suitable tool for creating voice only contents.  Click here to download the app

Finally we talk about the video shooting to make simple interactive video content. "Power Director" is a great app to edit your recorded video easily. Teacher can add photos, audio and video clips to make video contents. 

Wednesday, October 2, 2019

Science and IT club of Sulaimaniya college organize a online science quiz competition using Microsoft forms.

Ambassador teachers and Science club of Sulaimaniya college have organized "SciQuiz" a science online quiz competition in collaborations with old boys association to develop science education by using office 365 account  and Microsoft forms among students. To participate in the contest every contestant should register with given office 365 email address. The registration is also through online. For registration we have used online forms to collect contestants details.

The online quiz competition going to be held in two phases. For the first phase contestant can answer for the quiz from anywhere through online. Those who get high marks in each category the will be selected to the second phase. Only 10 contestants will be selected in each category for the second phase. Second phase will be held at the ICT Lab in the technical laboratory.

All the questions for the quiz will be prepared by science teachers and those questions will be hosted in Microsoft forms online. To start the contest , we open the quiz only for registered students with office 365 accounts. The champions and runners up will be awarded with trophy, certificates and prizes. 

International Observe the Moon Night நிகழ்ச்சியில் கலந்துகொண்ட மாணவர்களின் சான்றிதழ்கள்