Friday, September 27, 2019

Sulaimaniya College has registered to host an Hour of Code global event in 2019

உலகில் மொத்தமாக 11,037 நிகழ்வுகள், இலங்கையில் 9 நிகழ்வுகள் பதிவு செய்யப்பட்டுள்ளன. இதில் எமது பாடசாலையும் ஒன்றாகும்.  
        Hour  of  Code  என்றால் என்ன?

    கணினி அறிவியலுக்கான ஒரு மணிநேர அறிமுகமாக ஹவர் ஆஃப் கோட் தொடங்கியது. இது "குறியீட்டை" மதிப்பிடுவதற்கும், யார் வேண்டுமானாலும் அடிப்படைகளைக் கற்றுக்கொள்ள முடியும் என்பதைக் காண்பிப்பதற்கும், கணினி அறிவியல் துறையில் பங்கேற்பை விரிவுபடுத்துவதற்கும் வடிவமைக்கப்பட்டுள்ளது. இது 1 மணி நேர குறியீட்டு நடவடிக்கைகளில் தொடங்கி அனைத்து வகையான சமூக முயற்சிகளுக்கும் விரிவடைந்து கணினி அறிவியலைக் கொண்டாடுவதற்கான உலகளாவிய முயற்சியாக மாறியுள்ளது. 

Sunday, September 22, 2019

Teachers and students participate in the Nenasa Smart School daily learning webinar series

Teachers and some ICT students of Sulaimaniya college participated in the live webinar series conducted by Nenasa Smart School team last week.  Teachers who had off period joined this online seminar. It was very useful session for teachers and for most teachers it was a first experience in participating in a webinar. Thank you smart school team organizing such a webinar for teachers.

CCTV System to achieve a goal of intelligent environment of education transformation framework

Old boys association of Sulaimaniya college donated two hundred thousand valued CCTV system to the school on 20th September 2019. The handing over ceremony was held at the main hall of the college. Principal, SDC and OBA members, teachers and students were present for the event.

Friday, September 20, 2019

Friday Training Session for Teachers

The first training session of Friday training series started today the 20th of September 2019. The session covered the topic "interact with smart devices in the classroom". The programme was conducted by the ambassador teachers of Sulaimaniya College and many teachers actively participated in it. The Instructor demonstrated how teachers can use their smart phone, tablet, laptop or pc to interact with the smart display in the classroom and show the contents in those devices on the smart display. Here is the access to sway presentation.

Next training program will be on 27th Friday 2019. Those who missed the first session can follow the recorded video which will be available very soon.

Wednesday, September 18, 2019

Interactive Quiz Conducted Using Kahoot!

Kahoot is one of the famous interactive learning game tool among educators and learners. This time the Kahoot quiz was given to student teams after completion of the unit. Students engagement was very high. All the members of the team actively participated in the quiz.

To learn more about Kahoot  visit

Tuesday, September 10, 2019

Students Enjoy Online Math Quiz

Grade 7 students of Sulaimaniya college sat for a Math quiz. It was not a traditional quiz. This quiz was hosted online. It was a difference experience for them. They enjoyed the quiz very much.  Students participated as teams. Finally Mango Boys team won the first place. 
This quiz was generated using Quizziz online app. Quiz was directed by Mathematics teacher A.M Rajah.

Sway and Kahoot Quizz for ICT subject

Basic Physical Components of a Computer
Basic Physical Components of a Computer
                                                            Quizz - ICT Revision
 ICT Revsion Quizz

Sunday, September 8, 2019

Digital Classrooms in Sulaimaniya College

Teacher Training Programme - Digital Skills for 21st Century Teachers

A comprehensive teacher training programme has been planned by ambassodor teachers of Sulaimaniya college. Training has been scheduled on every friday from 11:15 am to 11:45 am. Certificated will be issued after completion of training. Please take part in the session to make a difference in education

International Observe the Moon Night நிகழ்ச்சியில் கலந்துகொண்ட மாணவர்களின் சான்றிதழ்கள்